Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Making Worldviews Explicit

I've tweaked my worldview presentations to English classes this year... partly to fit in with this year's texts and themes - and partly to say a little more about postmodernism and relativism.

The year 11/12 classes appeared to have stronger relativistic assumptions this year with many believing that we can do little more in dialogue than agree to express our own views and hear and respect the views of others.

The possibility of complimentary, inclusive or integral worldviews were very new concepts for most of the students. I spent a little more time this year introducing traditionalism, modernism, postmodernism and integralism.

Our discussion around "What is Love?" covered all four integral quadrants:

As did group discussion on "The Meaning of Life."

I was then able to generalise the 'integral mapping' of any issue like this:

Both the students and their teachers have used this generalised integral map in subsequent classes. I'll do some further evaluation later on in their courses...

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At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Thank you for your answeres.

Best regards

Roald A. Flo (RAF)

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