Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Heaps happening

With 11 PY10 leaders and 120 teachers so much is going on that the PY10 Management Group is finding it hard to keep up with it all. PY10 Facilitators are going to start doing brief weekly email updates that I will summarise and send back to all Learning Groups so that we can share progress across the college.

Most Learning Areas have begun projects of some kind including preparing new units, inviting outside speakers and organising professional learning.

The Management Group is currently planning a half-day event for all the PY10 Learning Group Leaders in the week after Easter. This will be the first time we will all meet with time for some real dialogue.

On the 3rd April three of the PY10 Facilitators are going to a Transformative Learning Conference in Melbourne called 'The Tipping Point' sponsored by iNet.


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